Weight Loss: How Olive Oil May Help Promote Weight Loss

The Mediterranean wonder is harvested from olive trees and used in a number of cooked and raw preparations. Studies have claimed that olive oil helps keep bad cholesterol at bay and raise good cholesterol levels, keeping the heart healthy. In fact, olive oil contains more monounsaturated fatty acids than any natural oil. These fatty acids help to normalize blood clotting and regulate blood sugar levels. Olive oil is also a good source of vitamin E, making it a great natural skin care product, and its anti-inflammatory properties also help to relieve pain. Olive oil is also an excellent ingredient that can be used to lose weight.

Here’s how olive oil will support your plans for weight loss:

Olive oil is an excellent ingredient for weight loss, especially the extra virgin olive oil. Crushing or cold-pressing olives and removing the fresh fat from the fruit provide extra virgin olive oil. It is said to be the best quality olive oil, because it is unrefined and unprocessed. It also boasts higher natural vitamin and mineral concentrations found in olives. Extra virgin olive oil has no additives, is bright green in color and contains just 1% of the oleic acid and can maintain all the antioxidants it contains. Standard olive oil may be a better alternative to cooking your veggies in, as it has a high smoke point, but submits processing layers. It also contains 3-4 per cent or more of oleic acid.

Olive oil is filled with fatty acids that are monounsaturated (MUFA). Such fatty acids as well as keeping the heart healthy and stable levels of blood sugar also help to promote weight loss. It encourages the feeling of satiety, which keeps you from bingeing with empty calories on other processed or trans-fat outlets. While the olive oil’s calorie count is no less, it’s so much better than other fat sources such as butter and refined oil.

Check Here for Solasz Olive Oil Products

There are 7 ways to use olive oil for weight loss

One way to lose weight from olive oil is by mixing it with lemon. One of the most effective treatments for purifying and removing toxins from your body. Lemon contains hesperidin, in addition to vitamin C. A flavonoid that contributes to enhancing lymphatic drainage function and, with it, liquid retention. Take an olive oil juice with half a lemon for breakfast and you’ll see how your figure is gradually increasing. So we can assume the combination of olive oil and lemon will support you weight loss.

  1. Olive oil with ginger

    Ginger is a root which produces a thermogenic effect in the body when ingested. Ginger is able to activate the nervous system and activate all processes producing energy (which also provides fat) as a result. That is, ginger is a normal burner of fat.
    Another great way to use extra virgin olive oil to release weight. To dress up your salads, add some ginger and olive oil and you’ll see how fat is reduced in a short time.

  2. Olive oil together with cayenne pepper

    Cayenne pepper may not seem like it but is a digestive stimulant. This spice activates the manufacture of juices and gastric enzymes that absorb the food you eat, removing the toxins in your body. Also, it accelerates metabolism and fat burning.
    A trick to take cayenne pepper is to put a few in a glass bottle of olive oil to spice your beans. You’ll see how cayenne pepper can help you to lose weight along with olive oil. Remember that know how to preserve olive oil is essential.

  3. Olive oil with salt and cucumber

    Good weather is a synonym for many fruits and vegetables. And including the cucumbers. Yummy and very soothing. A diet which will help you lose those extra pounds. The elevated water content makes it low in calories. Additionally, cucumber contains a lot of fiber that helps the body remove toxins. Add a couple of cucumbers with a pinch of salt and olive oil and you’ll get a perfect starter that will help you lose weight. Think there’s a better way to lose weight using olive oil?

  4. Olive oil with lemon

    One way to lose weight from olive oil is by mixing it with lemon. One of the most effective treatments for purifying and extracting toxins from your body. Lemon contains hesperidin, in addition to vitamin C. A flavonoid that contributes to enhancing lymphatic drainage function and, with it, liquid retention. Take an olive oil juice with half a lemon for breakfast and you’ll see how your figure is gradually increasing. So we can assume the combination of olive oil and lemon will support you weight loss

  5. Olive oil in your smoothies to detoxify and weight loss

    It’s become trendy to detoxify green shakes to reduce weight. And rightly so. We are a time bomb against fat and toxins in the body. Full in vitamins, minerals, fiber and other foods helping to keep the weight at bay. But, by adding a little olive oil, you can increase its power much more, and particularly the flavor of these shakes. So you’re going to have another way to lose weight using olive oil.

  6. Olive oil with balsamic vinegar

    There can be no better mix of balsamic vinegar than olive oil. All brands combine their exquisite flavours well. You will create a culinary elixir with them which will enhance the flavor of your dishes.
    But apart from all this, the balsamic vinegar worked to lose weight together with the olive oil, did you? That type of vinegar is very restricted in calories and potassium stands out among its many nutrients. A diuretic mineral which eliminates body toxins.

  7. One tablespoon of olive oil to weight loss after each meal

    Cooking with olive oil will enhance the food aromas. Whether it’s raw or fried, olive oil is the best ally you can have in the cooking. Nutrition and health experts advise to use one cubic meter of olive oil in each meal. Note it is a fat and although it is the healthiest, it has its calorie percentage. Therefore, you just have to eat the ones you require. Do not overdo it if you want to use olive oil to lose weight.

Tips on using olive oil in your diet to lose weight

What do you think about loosing weight from these different ways of using olive oil? Delicious and easy to integrate to your everyday life, right? But those 7 ways are not the only ones in life. Many other culinary treatments can be used with olive oil and improve its slimming effects.

If you want to lose a few extra kilos note these tips:

  1. Do not consume more than one tablespoon of olive oil in each meal.
  2. The amount of calories you should consume per day are between 2000 and 2500 kcal.
  3. It is important that you drink more than two liters of water.
  4. Do not eat precooked foods.
  5. Try to reduce the consumption of sugar to the maximum.
  6. Decrease the amount of salt in your meals as much as you can.
  7. Use extra virgin olive oil to dress your salads.

What are the main benefits of losing weight from olive oil?

Olive oil has many properties for weight loss. And these are all scientifically proven.

  1. Olive oil helps you improve your metabolism and get rid of unhealthy fats. Therefore, the oleic acid reduces the sense of hunger, and hence the need to feed in amounts. As a good ally against constipation it also favors intestinal transit.
  2. Certain advantages that aid in a thinning cycle include having a strong immune system and the release of serotonin (the pleasure and sleep hormone) that also stimulates the digestive process.
  3. The best ally you can have is olive oil if you want to cut those extra kilos off. Health and nutrition experts both agree. Olive oil helps to maintain an ideal weight in addition to providing numerous health benefits. And if you pair it with any of the 7 forms we’ve suggested, the use of olive oil to lose weight will be greatly increased.

Olive Oil Nutrition Facts: What Out of 1 Tablespoon Do You Get?

Here’s what’s in olive oil:

  1. Calories: 119
  2. Protein: 0 grams (g)
  3. Fat: 13.5g
  4. Saturated fat: 1.9g
  5. Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA): 9.9g
  6. Polyunsaturated fat: 1.4g
  7. Carbohydrate: 0g
  8. Fiber: 0g
  9. Sugars: 0g

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