How to get rid of Varicose Veins? Treatment and Home Remedies

Varicose veins are enlarged, weakened and visible veins under the skin surface usually in a dark purple or blue color.

The superficial veins may become varicose, but most commonly veins in the legs are affected because of standing and walking for long time. Varicose veins can cause pain and discomfort due to the pressure in the veins. Now a days about 23 percent of adults are getting affected by varicose veins.

What are the causes for Varicose Veins?

The blood can travel in only in one direction through the veins. The valves of the vein becomes weaker if the walls of the veins are less flexible. These weak valves allow blood to flow in the opposite direction which causes swelling and enlargement of veins. The condition which puts more pressure on the abdomen has the ability to cause varicose veins.

Symptoms of Varicose Veins

In most of the cases, people with varicose veins doesn’t experience pain. The symptoms of varicose veins are as follows

  •  Twisted, swollen and bulgy veins.
  •  Dark blue or purple veins
  •  Heavy feeling in legs
  •  Lower legs my experience burning and muscle cramping.
  •  Itching of veins
  •  Discoloration of skin around the veins.
  •  A small injury to the varicose vein may lead to prolonged bleeding.
  •  Skin shrinking due to hardening of fat under the skin.
  •  Whitish patches like scars around the ankles.

Diagnosis of Varicose Veins

First of all a physical examination by a doctor helps to decide whether a person is having varicose veins or not. Sometimes a doctor may suggest for a diagnostic test like Doppler test and Color duplex ultrasound scan.
Doppler test: Doppler test is a method to check the direction of blood flow in the veins. In this ultrasound scan test blod clots and obstructions in the veins is also detected.
Color duplex ultrasound scan: This type of diagnosis provides color images of the internal structure of veins and speed of the blood flow is measured. Through this test doctor identifies any abnormalities in the veins.

Risk Factors

Even doctors and experts are not sure about the factors which causes varicose veins. There is no clear reason why the walls of veins are less stretchable and become faulty. Some of the potential risk factors are as follows:

Age: Aging causes the damage of valves in veins which regulate blood flow. The faulty valves allows blood to flow in opposite direction which causes swelling of veins.

Sex: Women more easily develop varicose veins because of the harmonal changes during pregnancy, menopause and premenstruation. Taking birth control pills may also cause varicose veins.

Pregnancy: The volume of blood increases during pregnancy to support the growing fetus, but it can cause the enlargement of veins in legs.

Genetics: Genetically inherited from parents or other family members.
Obesity: Increased body weight exerts more pressure on the veins which causes the wear and tear of valves.

Work: Person who spends more time standing at work may also have chances of getting varicose veins.

Treatment for Varicose Veins

If a person suffering from varicose veins has no symptoms, treatment is not necessary. But if a person have symptoms like pain or discomfort in the veins, treatment is required.

The large varicose veins need to be removed surgically. Usually this is done with general anesthetic. This is a minor surgery, the patient can go home on the same day.

Ligation and Stripping
In this two incisions are made, one near the target vein and the other at the ankle. The top of the vein is sealed and a thin flexible wire is inserted from the bottom of the vein and pulled out along with the vein.
Ligation and stripping can result in bleeding and pain. In rare cases, there may be deep vein thrombosis.
A patient may take 1-3 weeks to recover to perform normal duties. Compression stockings can be used during the recovery period.

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A chemical is used to fade the veins. In this process a chemical is injected into small and medium sized varicose veins which closes them. It has to be injected more than once.

Radiofrequency Ablation
A small incision is made around the knee, a narrow tube is inserted into the vein with the help of an ultrasound scan. A probe is inserted into the catheter, which release radiofrequency energy, which heats up the vein collapsing the walls of vein and closing it. This is usually preferred for lager varicose veins.

Endovenous Laser Treatment
The veins are sealed by heating with the help of a small laser inserted through a catheter in patient’s vein.

Transilluminated Powered Phlebectomy
In this process an endoscopic transilluminator is threaded along an incision below the skin so that the doctors get to know which vein has to be taken out. The target veins are cut and removed through the incision. After the operation there may be bleeding and bruising.


The only way to prevent varicose veins is by improving blood circulation and muscle tone. Blood circulation can be improved by following several measures

  • Exercising
  • Monitoring your weight
  • Having low salt and high fiber food
  • Avoid use of high heels
  • Keep changing the sitting and standing position frequently.
  • Keep your legs elevated while sleeping

Know the best tips to reduce weight

Home Remedies for Varicose Veins

There are few home remedies to get rid of varicose veins. They are

Remedy 1: Here’s a simple recipe you can use daily to soothe headaches, joint pain and varicose veins using 30 gms bay leaves, 250ml olive oil. Crush the bay leaves until they form a pulp and mix this pulp with olive oil. Store this mixture in a glass bottle for two weeks. give the bottle a good shake every other day. After two weeks, strain the oil and store it in a cool place. Use this oil to massage your sore joints, calf muscles and forehead and you will notice a significant change within weeks.

Bay leaf has many medicinal properties. It can also be used to

  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Get rid of acne
  • Cleanse your colon
  • Soothe your nervous system
  • Give relief from inflammation

Remedy 2: Take a tablespoon of olive oil, few garlic cloves finely grated and half a glass of orange juice. You should combine all the ingredients and leave the mixture to stay aside for 12 hours before use. Apply it on the affected areas with circular motions, until it is absorbed into the skin and then wrap the area with a warm towel or bandage and leave it for 50 minutes.

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Best Exercises to Clear Varicose Veins

Doctors recommend atleat 30 minutes of physical activity in a day. Some of the exercises to clear varicose veins are

Walking is good and safe for all people irrespective of age. Walking on regular basis helps to reduce weight, maintains blood pressure and strengthen bones.

Bicycle is a exercise which increases blood circulation. Regular cycling can strengthen muscles and improves blood flow. Both old cycles or modern exercise bicycles can be used. If not lay on the floor, bring bent legs up, knees over hips. Go through a bicycle motion with your legs. Do 4 sets of 15 reps.

Sit on a chair, raise your legs and pull them forward. Hold the position for a few seconds, then lower your legs and relax. Repeat this for several times.

Alternating Leg Lifts
Lay back on the floor, lift one leg up no further than 90 degree. Lower it slowly back and lift the other leg. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

Lunges have positive effect on many muscles groups in feet. When these muscles are healthy they helps blood flow in right direction. Stand on your feet, step forward and bend your knee. Make sure to keep your knee above the ankle. Hold for a few seconds,then straighten up and switch legs.

How Compression Stockings helps to get rid of Varicose Veins?

Compression stockings helps to improve blood circulation by squeezing patient’s legs. They works tight around the ankle and promotes proper flow of blood upwards against gravity and back to the heart.
Compression stockings helps to get rid of pain, swelling and discomfort in the legs. The stockings may cause dryness of skin and itching in some people. In such cases it is important to consult a doctor.

How Pregnant Women get affected by Varicose Veins?

Usually women are more likely to develop varicose veins and more preferrably during pregnancy. Pregnant womens have more blood in their body which exerts additional pressure on the circulatory system and the hormonal changes leads to a relaxation of blood vessels. These changes may raise the risk of developing varicose veins. As the baby in the uterus develops, more pressure is exerted on the veins. In most of the cases varicose veins disappear after pregnancy, but sometimes they become more.


There is no exact reason for varicose veins. so its better to prevent it before getting affected. so make sure to perform physical activities as mentioned above, manage your body weight and consume foods that are rich in fiber. If identified any symptoms, consult a doctor or an expert and seek advice.