Herbal Strategi | Naturerinse Foam Handwash-150ml
- Made from plant extracts and aromatic oils, this antibacterial herbal hand wash keeps your hands perfectly clean and enriches the skin, thereby making them smooth and moisturised.
- The 100% herbal and eco-friendly product is child-friendly, and along with skin enriching substances, has ingredients that give you impeccable germ-free hands.
- NatureRinse handwash comes in a 150ml bottle.
Nature rinse – herbal foam hand wash looking for a smooth, aromatic and yet effective hand wash, nature rinse – herbal foam hand wash is an ideal product for you. Made from plant extracts and aromatic oils, the herbal hand wash keeps your hands perfectly clean and enriches the skin, thereby making them smooth and moisturised. Now, harsh and scaly palms due to chemical products can soon become a thing of the past. The 100 percent herbal and product is child-friendly and along with skin enriching substances, has ingredients that give you impeccable germ-free hands. Feel the joy of a manicured hand every time you use it. The composition: at Herbal Strategi, each product has been made with utmost precaution and the ingredients are chosen carefully. Here is what goes into making your herbal foam hand wash: each 100 ml contains: cymbopogoncitriatus(lemongrass oil): 6 ml azardirachtaindica(neem oil): 15 ml citrus lemon(lemon oil): 6 ml ocimumsanctum(tulsi oil): 4 ml coconut oil: 20 ml excipients: q. S ayurvedic proprietary medicine where to use it: rinse off your dirty or greasy hands with this Herbal Strategi hand wash. The product can be used any number of times and gives you surety that your hands won’t get rough. The therapeutic hand wash rinses off odours in a jiffy and leaves behind a fresh, subtle and aromatic fragrance. Now, washing hands before and after every meal can be fun as the froth and fragrance leaves you clean and refreshed. Made of herbal products, the Herbal Strategi hand wash is child-friendly and safe to use.