Nutrition facts
Calories in Peas
Green peas: They are the seeds of the pods grown from Pisum Sativum plant and are well known. They are part of the Legume family. Other Legumes are Dals, Lentils, Chickpeas, Beans and Peanuts. Green peas are high in nutrition and low in calories. Calories in peas are listed below.
Nutrition Facts:
The nutrition profile of green peas:
Green peas are rich in antioxidants. They contain an essential antioxidant called polyphenol. Polyphenols help in treating neurodegeneration issues. Green peas contain flavonoids, carotenoids, Vitamin-C and antioxidants that lower cell damage from free radicals.
Green peas have a low Glycemic Index(GI). Food with low GI helps in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels as they regulate the rate of decomposition of carbs into glucose.
Green peas are high on fibre. The fibre content in green peas feeds the healthy gut bacteria and may result in lowering the risk the Bowel syndrome, colon cancer. Insoluble fibre does not blend with water and hence acts as a bulking agent, adds weight to the stool and help food waste pass easily through the digestive tract.
Green peas promote heart health. Contain minerals such as magnesium, potassium and calcium. These minerals prevent high blood pressure and reduce the risk of a heart attack.